Data Security- Everything you need to know 

Data Security

(Definition, Types, Threats, Importance, Impact)

In today’s digital world, where everything is possible, a cyberattack can breach data within seconds. Everyone should have at least a basic knowledge of data security awareness. While reading this blog, around 5 attacks must have happened already but would you be aware of it if you weren’t reading this blog or seeing the news? Cyberattacks can happen anywhere and anytime. It can even happen when you sleep while someone has already whitewashed your system. 

Having data security awareness is crucial for any business or individual. With the growth of threats around the globe, having data-security awareness is mandatory. But before proceeding with data-security Awareness importance, let’s dive into what Data Security and Threats are.

What do you mean by Datasecurity?

Datasecurity – Datasecurity refers to protecting data, networks, and systems from digital attacks. It consists of, different technologies, procedures, and practices designed to stop data breaches, unauthorized access, and cyber threats. The primary objective of Data Security is to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information. 

Cyberattack – CyberAttack refers to an effort to steal, expose, and disrupt your organization’s system. It exposes all the confidential data that can not only harm the organization but also break the trust, of the customers. The primary objective of cybersecurity is to get money in exchange for information.

Now that you know what cybersecurity and cyberattacks are, let’s move forward to, What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity awareness comes with various topics among which the most important is knowing the types of cybersecurity.

Network Security – The Network is the most crucial part of any organization. The attacker’s first target is to attack the network so that they get access to the organization. Most attacks occur on networks and network security solutions like Data Loss Prevention ( DLP ), Identity Access Management ( IAM ), Network Access Control ( NAC ), and NGFW (Next-Generation Firewall). 

  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP) – A type of software, that helps detect and prevent Data breaches. It also helps, in the enhancement of internal security and regulatory compliance.  
  • Identity Access Management (IAM) – Identity Access Management or Identity Management is a set of policies and technologies, that is made to ensure that the right users have the appropriate access to technological resources. 
  • Network Access Control (NAC) – is an approach to restrict unauthorized users and devices from accessing a corporate or private network.  
  • Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW) – is a part of third-generation firewall technology that processes network traffic and blocks potentially dangerous traffic. 

Application Security – Application Security is a type of security that prevents unauthorized access and use of applications. It is a process of developing and adding security features inside the application preventing attacks like unauthorized access and modification.

Cloud Security – Cloud computing or cloud security is a box of security measures designed to protect cloud-based infrastructure and data. 

Critical Infrastructure Security – Critical infrastructure is a set of systems, networks, and public work, considered important by governments, for the functioning of the economy. 

Data Security- Data Security means, protecting digital data from destructive forces and unauthorized users, such as cyberattacks. 

Endpoint Security – Endpoint security is, the practice of securing the devices connected to the network. 

IoT Security – The Internet of Things or IoT is a collective network of devices, and the technology helps in communication between devices and the cloud, as well as between the devices. 

Mobile Security – Mobile security refers to being free from any kind of risk or danger of data loss by using mobile computers.

Operational Security – Operational security is a type of security that protects sensitive information from getting into the wrong hands

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